The current local time with seconds is 07:15:54 & Today’s Date is Thursday, January 16, 2025. Get current time around the world with your timezone.
Knowing current time is extremely important in many situations. It is essential in planning out task and managing work throughout the day and helps you keep your timeline in check! India uses the IST or Indian Standard Time zone, GMT +5:30, which is consistent throughout the country!
But for a big country like the USA, it is essential to have separate time zones to keep everything well maintained and so that no daylight loss occurs in any region. Here is a list of all the states with the current time in the US:
Look below all US State current local time & date –
What time is it in Alabama | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Alaska | 03:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Arizona | 05:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Arkansas | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in California | 04:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Colorado | 05:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Connecticut | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Delaware | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in District of Columbia | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Florida | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Georgia | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Hawaii | 02:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Idaho | 05:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Illinois | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Indiana | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Iowa | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Kansas | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Kentucky | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Louisiana | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Maine | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Maryland | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Massachusetts | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Michigan | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Minnesota | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Mississippi | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Missouri | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Montana | 05:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Nebraska | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Nevada | 04:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in New Hampshire | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in New Jersey | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in New Mexico | 05:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in New York | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in North Carolina | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in North Dakota | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Ohio | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Oklahoma | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Oregon | 05:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Pennsylvania | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Puerto Rico | 08:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Rhode Island | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in South Carolina | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in South Dakota | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Tennessee | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Texas | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Utah | 05:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Vermont | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Virginia | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Washington | 04:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in West Virginia | 07:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Wisconsin | 06:15:54 2025-01-16; |
What time is it in Wyoming | 05:15:54 2025-01-16; |
Want to know what month it is and read some interesting facts about it? Check out “What Month is it”.