The September month number is 09 & it’s ninth month of the year & do you know about what month comes after September. It’s 30 days month, no matter what year is it.
September is the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. It is the month that bids the warm summers a farewell and welcomes the transition into the colder and cozy days of the future.
September is like a Thursday. It’s not fully weekend yet, but you can almost feel it. It is also the time when people start preparing for all the big festivals like the Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas and more that are about to come!
September is known for many great things and many interesting facts. Let’s have a look at them!
Cool things to know about September –
- You know, If aliens were to learn about our world and understand us, they’d be very confused as to why a month that has “Sept“in its name has to be the 9th month. Of course we already know why that is, don’t we? The Roman calendar only had 10 months, and January and February didn’t exist. So March was the first month and September, well you can connect the dots.
- Seems like September is shoulder to shoulder with January on this one… This month has some weird celebrations and holidays, have a look – National Happy Cat Month, Kids Take over the Kitchen Day, International Talk like a Pirate Day, Punctuation Day and my favorite – Ask a Stupid Question Day!
- Surveys show there are more Birthdays in September and August than any other month. When you think about it, winter was just 9 months ago, and the holid- Oh My God! The holidays are ruined for me now!
- Did you know that there’s something like the “Coconut Day” celebrated on 2nd September, in recognition of the importance of coconuts, palm trees etc. Also, interestingly, the full moon in September is known as the Corn Moon.
List of Months with Month Number –