What month is July Number

The July month number is 07 & it’s seventh month of the year & do you know about what month comes after July. It’s 31 days month, no matter what year is it.

July is the seventh month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. But interestingly, this month used to go by another name – Quintilis – before the man himself, Julius Caesar modified the Roman calendar and added two more months on the top and made July the seventh month instead of fifth.

July is a time of warmth, joy and a lot of outdoor adventures. It is a time when people take advantage of the hot weather and go out on beaches and parks for picnics. And the food – Oh you cannot forget the summer foods! All the strawberries, ice creams, water”maloonies” – the list goes on!

There are also many interesting facts about July…. Care to check them out?

Fun Facts about July?

  • “Oh Freedom is mine, and I know how I feel!!” Look me in the eye and tell me you didn’t just sing this in the voice of Michael Bublé! America got its independence from the British on the 4th of July. Bring out the fireworks!
  • Here’s a mind blowing historical fact: The first international call was made in July. From New Brunswick, Canada to Maine, USA.
  • How weird is it that all the weird “food” related holidays and celebrations all fall in July. The Ice Cream Month, The Chocolate Month, The French Fry Month, and The Hot Dog Month – You name it! And don’t forget the National Tequila Day!
  • Did you know the first ever Bikini was worn in July? Appropriate for the month – Hey, we like that!

Check out fun trivia and boast your knowledge about random facts in front of your friends about all the other months too!

List of Months with Month Number –

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What month is February Number02
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What month is July Number07
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